Quality Control


Quality Assurance is defined as a set of procedures designed to ensure that quality standards and processes are adhered to, that the final product meets or exceeds the required technical and performance requirements. The International Organization of Standardization (ISO) also defines quality assurance as that part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements are fulfilled. Thus, all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy the given requirements for quality to the client.

In short, quality assurance is oriented towards prevention of quality short comings. It also aims at minimizing the risk of making mistakes in the first place, therefore avoiding the necessity for rework, repair or reject.  This department at Advent Construction Ltd will provide assurance to the  client that the standard of workmanship within the company’s premises are of the highest level of quality and that all the products leaving the industry is above a certain minimum level of specification. The department will directly oversee and coordinate the planning, implementation, and supervision of the project quality control plan. It will also review the entire documentation and physical inspection phase of the work flow process and working with other in-house personnel (Project Managers, Department heads, etc.) to produce and document a quality product. Our commitment to maintaining strict quality controls in the field not only results in a superior product, but also minimizes costly delays and resulting expenses on a project.

The Quality Control department plan will be implemented to ensure remedial and installation procedures are performed in compliance with the plans and specifications stated in the customer’s contract. It will provide a means to maintain effective quality. Read More